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Bacci Kid

Cultural Awareness Workbook: Learning Body Parts #1

$3.33 USD
$3.33 USD

Dear Parents, Teachers, and Guardians,

Thank you for purchasing this fun cultural awareness digital download.  As the pandemic continues to restrict many children to studying from home. If you purchased “The Invitation”, which is the first episode in Series 1: Bacci’s First Day of Pre-K, this supplemental activity will enhance the experience.  Even without the book, this entertaining exercise is a fantastic way to teach readers how to say, spell, trace and color various body parts in different languages!

Whether we are children or adults, the key to building our resiliency lies in developing our mental flexibility and maintaining an open mind.  There are many things you can do to achieve this, but learning new languages and expanding our cultural awareness is one of the most fun and effective methods.  And doing so at a young age positions kids for success in socialization with their peers, both in everyday life and traveling adventures.  Additionally, encouraging resilience, acceptance, and receptiveness amongst children aids their development, conflict resolutions skills, and anxiety management.  Later in life, fluency in foreign languages may provide them with a competitive edge in their chosen profession.